About Us
We are an inter-generational non-profit organization working to promote peace and security in Libya. TWBI believes in the important role of an inter-generational gender approach to formal and non-formal peace-building. TWBI based in Libya was founded in September 2011, and since then has been working on women, peace and security, and empowering young people to play an active role in building peace in Libya. TWBI through founding “1325 Network in Libya” is working on the national level covering the west, east and south of Libya through focal points. TWBI continues to lead projects on women, peace and security including; advocating women’s meaningful political participation, prevention and raising awareness on harmful gender norms and Gender Based Violence (GBV), gender research, reporting to the international mechanism on human rights, and capacity building for Libyan groups and actors on peace-building.
Our Main Projects

1325 Network in Libya
A network of civil society organizations and independent activists from all over Libya, gathered to work together: on promoting the important role of women in the peace and security process; to advocate for the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325); to make the government(s) learn about the necessity of the development of a national action plan (NAP) to implement UNSCR 1325 in Libya.

Libyan Women Database
The first professional network for Libyan women . The Libyan women database aims to: introduce professional Libyan women to whoever interested in reaching qualified, skilled, experienced, and role models Libyan women; develop a focal point “LWDB” for Libyan women, and also, to facilitate reaching them by Libyan government, national and international community.
Our Areas of Work
1. Youth Peace and Security
2. Women Economic Empowerment

3. Women's Political Participation

4. Women Peace and Security