Written by Sajeda Alsharief, Soad Fathi, Reem Mahmoud

As young girls we were always advised to act like grownups as “more rational”, even though all we’ve seen from grownups in power until now in Libya is violence, and hate speeches that causes more and more conflict to at the end cost many innocent people great loses, we waited for decision makers to take serious steps towards peace, and work out effective solutions that could guide us finally to security, yet until now we still hear about great crimes against humanity every day because of an ego warlords have, we want actions that prioritizes human security above all else, and we’re done watching all this in silence.
And that’s why we promised ourselves to fast every Thursday for peace, because we want to show all victims of war where ever they are that we care about them and didn’t forget what they’re going through, we’ll not keep watching warlords destroying our future everyday.
Many are wondering why fasting? How can fasting be a solution? … fasting may not be a miracle but it is a solution for a bigger problem which is losing our humanity, the humanity that we gave up on for selfish personal interests that made us come to these situations that we are in right now from grudges and hatred. Fasting is a way to feel what others must be going through, also to sense their suffering, it’s a method that makes us realize how everything that is happening isn’t their fault nor ours, it’s a process that reminds us that if we don’t get rid of this selfishness that engraved it self into our minds we’re not going to find peace, we will not find safety nor restness, it’s our way to stand with human and to emphasize that we are against all these horrendous crimes which touched us whole, we chose it to refuse the murder of innocents not just in Libya but all around the world because this is one of the simplest rights that humans deserve. Fasting for peace campaign was founded in March before the current events in Tripoli occurs, which means that fasting for peace isn’t a campaign with a specific political group on the contrary it’s for everyone. Our main and pure purpose from it, is peace and the solidarity with innocents.
We are living in a world where conflict disproportionately affects everyone ( youth and old ) , so there is a need to elevate the voices of young people . As young girls we were always told to grow up and be mature, and they keep telling us that we are the future and we have to prepare ourselves to be the brilliant future , but As youth we have a right to be impatient, we must work together if we are to tackle the challenges we face. All of us have responsibilities so that is why we standing to say no more exclusion and lack participation , you have to pay more respect to our opinion and voices , we are done of meetings behind the locked doors with warlords and powers discussing our future , if you really do care about us, we have to be included as main part because we are not just the future but the present as well . and The international and local community cannot afford to overlook the perspective of the youth who have the power to be the solution to ending violence and halting conflicts on a global scale. AS youth we will showcase an untapped vision of the future and new solutions to the overwhelming conflicts and problems that surround young and old alike.. we grown to be negotiators, mediators, or peacemakers, we have the agency and capacity to be change-makers for this moment .This is about young people as a whole having the space and tools to shape the future they want. This is about young people sharing their experience to help inform, design, and implement responsive policies and programmes. This is about young people being agents of change, and having a seat at the decision-making table. “Young people in our world today are a lightning rod for change.” so let’s get to work.