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Together We Build It (TWBI): An Intergenerational Diversity 1024 768 admin

Together We Build It (TWBI): An Intergenerational Diversity

Together We Build It (TWBI) organization, An inter-generational organization working to promote peace and security in Libya. TWBI beloved in the important role of an inter-generational gender approach to formal and…

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Young Minds 1080 810 Soad Altubuly

Young Minds

By Soad Fathi Why do people always assume that being young means you’re not capable of thinking about serious matters, that we can’t decide for ourselves, or we don’t know…

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Why is Palermo important?  4752 3168 Aisha Altubuly

Why is Palermo important? 

  In 2011, when the revolution broke out, I witnessed men and women side to side taking part of it and fighting for the future of Libya equally. However, not…

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Here’s why the United Nations security council must let women speak freely 480 270 admin

Here’s why the United Nations security council must let women speak freely

Based on an article by Louise Allen published here  Women’s civil society advocates were long excluded from the security council. This is changing, but they must be allowed to speak freely.…

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Peace Went Missing 1707 2560 Sajeda Sharief

Peace Went Missing

By Sajeda Sharief Teachers should give lessons about kindness and respect, but what if in the middle of a lesson in the class room you notice the teacher describing people…

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If life is a stage, what’s your role? 1930 1285 Rawan Khalfallah

If life is a stage, what’s your role?

As human beings we are labeled by a social identity given to us by the community. Since birth our family, our original home towns, our religion, our cultures, our surroundings……

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