
My Little Experience

My Little Experience 1707 2560 Sajeda Sharief

Although I am very fortunate to have been raised in a family that believes in youth and supports young females, like me, to build up their personality through good education…

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Exclusive: Young Women of TWBI Seeking Answers on The Most Debated Articles Within Latest Constitution Draft

Exclusive: Young Women of TWBI Seeking Answers on The Most Debated Articles Within Latest Constitution Draft 1280 853 Aisha Altubuly

The Libyan constitution final draft that was shared with the public a little while ago and should be submitted for referendum and has a received a large amount of attention…

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Online Consultation from The Young Ladies of Together We Build It Perspective

Online Consultation from The Young Ladies of Together We Build It Perspective 1564 1564 Rawan Khalfallah

Together we build it started project that aims to hear about peace and security from the Libyan women perspective. As part of this project we did an online consultation with…

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Online Consultation from The Young Ladies of Together We Build It Perspective

Online Consultation from The Young Ladies of Together We Build It Perspective 1564 1564 Najah Abdulkarim

Together we build it started project that aims to hear about peace and security from the Libyan women perspective. As part of this project we did an online consultation with…

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Online Consultation from The Young Ladies of Together We Build It Perspective

Online Consultation from The Young Ladies of Together We Build It Perspective 1564 1564 Aisha Altubuly

Together we build it started project that aims to hear about peace and security from the Libyan women perspective. As part of this project we did an online consultation with…

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Feminism at the Front-line: Addressing Women’s Multidimensional Insecurity in Yemen & Libya

Feminism at the Front-line: Addressing Women’s Multidimensional Insecurity in Yemen & Libya 1200 900 admin

Women were active agents of change and mobilization in the uprisings that swept across #Libya and #Yemen. However, as the uprisings metastasized into militarized crises, women in these countries are…

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The Importance of Exchanging Experience Between Women Activists in Middle East & North Africa

The Importance of Exchanging Experience Between Women Activists in Middle East & North Africa 1024 1024 Rawan Khalfallah

The importance of exchanging experience between women activists in Middle East & North Africa In 7-9 of December, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) in coordination with Abaad…

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The Male Security Guard Stick

The Male Security Guard Stick 720 540 admin

A picture of a security man threatening women who lined up in front of a bank in Libya has gone viral over Facebook yesterday. That occurred while these women were…

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Conflict Side Effects

Conflict Side Effects 960 656 Rawan Khalfallah

A group of students right in the heart of war torn city , decided that fighting with pens is much more helpful than fighting with weapons. Agreeable as it is,…

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Introducing UNSCR 2250 to Libyan Youth

Introducing UNSCR 2250 to Libyan Youth 1920 1057 Najah Abdulkarim

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 – From Policy to Implementation Are youth only predators? A question that is often being asked in conflicts and wars, It’s not a hidden…

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